Southbound Ft Crook Road to Be Closed at Capehart Road to Address Needed Maintenance Issues

Northbound Ft Crook Road Traffic will Not be Affected

  • 15 November 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 2746
Southbound Ft Crook Road to Be Closed at Capehart Road to Address Needed Maintenance Issues

The City of Bellevue has been advised to close the southbound lanes of the bridge south of Capehart Road on Ft Crook Road to address needed maintenance issues. This closure will take place by 3pm this afternoon (Friday, November 15, 2024).  Southbound traffic on Fort Crook Rd will be diverted at the Capehart Road exit towards the Kennedy Freeway and the eastbound traffic on Capehart Road will be diverted onto northbound Ft Crook Rd until other adjusted traffic patterns can be put into place.  Northbound traffic on Ft Crook Rd will not be affected by this closure.

Please be cautious when traveling in this area and do not tamper with the barricades that are in place. The City of Bellevue will issue further updates as warranted.

Categories: Announcements
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