Richard Casey Appointed to Fill Bellevue's Ward 2 City Council Seat

Mayor Hike's Appointment to Fill the Late Bob Stinson's Term was Unanimously Confirmed by the Bellevue City Council

  • 21 June 2022
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 3627
Richard Casey Appointed to Fill Bellevue's Ward 2 City Council Seat

At tonight's meeting, the Bellevue City Council voted unanimously to approve Mayor Rusty Hike's appointment of Richard D. Casey to serve out the remainder of the unexpired term as the City Council representative of Bellevue Ward 2. This seat was open after the untimely passing of Councilman Bob Stinson last month.

Mayor Hike brought Richard Casey's name for consideration after carefully considering five extremely qualified individuals who submitted for the position. Besides Mr. Casey, those Bellevue Ward 2 residents include; Keith E. Clark, John E. Horsechief, Stephen J. Lange- Ramos and Eric Ritz.

Mr. Casey currently serves as the Director of Transportation for the Bellevue Public Schools and has held that position for the past 18 years. He is very familiar to the City of Bellevue since he is a longtime member of the Bellevue Planning Commission and Bellevue's Community Development Block Grant Committee. He is also the current president of the Fontenelle Hills Homeowners Association.

Before beginning his career with the Bellevue Public Schools, Mr. Casey served active duty in the United States Air Force for 27 years. During that time he served in numerous supervisory, leadership and management positions before retiring in 2002 as a Command Chief Master Sergeant/E-9.

In his remarks to the Council this evening, Mr. Casey expressed an interest in serving in this position after his current term expires on November 8, 2022. The Sarpy County Election Commissioner has been notified of Councilman Stinson’s passing and as such, pursuant to statute, his name will be removed from the ballot for the upcoming General Election. Candidates wishing to run for Ward 2 can either do so by write in affidavit or by petition.

Welcome to the Bellevue City Council Mr. Casey. The City and the residents of Ward 2 will continue to be well represented while benefiting from your expertise and knowledge in many areas. We appreciate your willingness to step in and serve. Mr. Casey's will be sworn in at the City Council meeting on July 5, 2022.


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