MUD to Conduct Water Main Work Near the Galvin Rd and Ft Crook Rd Intersection

Work is Scheduled to Start on January 6th and Last for Approximately One Month

  • 30 December 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 1988
MUD to Conduct Water Main Work Near the Galvin Rd and Ft Crook Rd Intersection

The City of Bellevue Public Works Department has been notified by Metropolitan Utilities District (MUD) that they will be installing a water main (WP1946) on the west edge of Galvin Road starting on Monday, January 6, 2025.  Southbound Ft. Crook traffic entering onto Galvin Rd will be two-way traffic during this time Northbound Galvin Rd traffic can enter onto Ft Crook at Avery or continue northbound on Galvin to Ft Crook Rd.  No through traffic will be allowed north of the intersection Galvin Rd and Georgia Ave.  The frontage road between Georgia Ave and Virginia Ave will remain open. The work is expected to last for approximately one month.


Please be cautious when traveling in this area during this time as traffic patterns have changed.

Categories: Announcements
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