Looking Glass Park Splash Pad to Open to the Public on Saturday, July 3rd.

Splash Pad Open Daily from 9am to 8pm

  • 2 July 2021
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 11739
Looking Glass Park Splash Pad to Open to the Public on Saturday, July 3rd.

Just in time for the 4th of July Weekend, the City of Bellevue is proud to announce that the splash pad at Looking Glass Park will open to the public on Saturday, July 3, 2021 at 9am

This splash pad is located just south of the Lynnwood and 30th St. intersection and right behind Leonard Lawrence Elementary school. It features over a dozen splash features and three or four shade structures as well as full bathroom facilities. It also has a brand new parking lot with parking for over 30 cars. 

It is the largest splash pad in the City of Bellevue and will be open daily from 9am to 8pm starting on July 3rd. To activate the splash features,  please run your hand across the control panel located on the small green post  close to the rings at the splash pad. This feature will ensure that water is only flowing when patrons are using the splash pad. 

Thank you to the members of the Bellevue Public Works Department and Dostal Construction who have been working long hours this week to ensure the opening of this new city facility by the Holiday Weekend.

Categories: Announcements
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