Look for Lane Closures near 15th and Cornhusker for M.U.D. Natural Gas Distribution System Upgrades (Update info as of June 24, 2024)

Work is in Progress and Anticipated to Continue through July

  • 13 June 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 1202
Look for Lane Closures near 15th and Cornhusker for M.U.D. Natural Gas Distribution System Upgrades (Update info as of June 24, 2024)

Starting Monday, June 10 through the end of July 2024, Metropolitan Utilities District (MUD) will be installing a new gas main along the north side of Cornhusker Road from 15th Street west toward the Kennedy Freeway.  This work will require periodic lane closures along Cornhusker Road and 15th Street and there are no planned gas service interruptions during this work.

Please see the included graphic for more details.


***June 24th Update:***

Phase 1:

June 25 through June 26:  MUD will be boring a new gas main under 15th Street north of Cornhusker with the planned work to be from Tuesday (6/25) night through Wednesday morning (6/26).  Closure of 15th Street north of Cornhusker is only planned if unforeseen issues arise during the boring operations.

Phase 2:

June 27 through July 19:  Upon completion of Phase 1, MUD will be installing a new gas main along Cornhusker Road from 21st to 15th Street and the eastbound left lane will merge to the right lane.  This work is anticipated to take 3-weeks.

Please see the included graphics for more details.

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