Cornhusker Road Resurfacing Project Update - Friday, August 24, 2018

  • 24 August 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5980
Cornhusker Road Resurfacing Project Update - Friday, August 24, 2018

Due to the lane closures on Cornhusker Road, the Bellevue Public Works Department has provided a map of possible alternate routes for those attending the football game or volleyball tournament at Bellevue West High School on Friday Evening and Saturday.

Here is a current update on the project for those of you who travel in the area from the Bellevue Public Works Department.
"Cornhusker Road milling began last night proceeding with the westbound outside lane from Fort Crook to just short of 25th Street. Milling will resume tonight finishing the westbound outside lane milling to 25th Street, then wrapping back around and continuing with the eastbound outside lane. As a reminder, Cornhusker Road will not be closed during construction. However, milled lanes will be closed to traffic until paving is completed. Paving operations are expected to begin on Cornhusker Road Sunday night, August 26th."

The resurfacing program is one of the most visible programs the City undertakes each year and is 80% funded through the State program.  Through this program the City resurfaces and repairs streets damaged by age, freezing and thawing, and other factors.  Generally, the work will consist of milling off 2” of the existing surface, and laying down a new asphalt surface course.  This new surface is smooth and will extend the life of the street. Utility adjustments of manholes, valve boxes, and inlets will be completed once milling and resurfacing. 

As with all roadway construction activities, this work may cause an inconvenience to you.  The public is asked not to move or otherwise tamper with barricades or other warning devices.  They are the primary mechanism for identifying potentially unsafe conditions. 

Categories: Announcements
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