City of Bellevue to Allow Limited Access to Green Acres to Homes that were not Affected by the Floodwaters

Residents Must Obtain Permission from Bellevue's Permits & Inspections Office

  • 20 March 2019
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 6459
City of Bellevue to Allow Limited Access to Green Acres to Homes that were not Affected by the Floodwaters

The decision has been made to allow limited access to homes that have not been affected by the floodwaters in Green Acres, 2902 Hancock. Homes not affected by the flood are listed below. An automated text message will be sent to all of the tenants of Green Acres who will be allowed back in on a limited basis. For those lot numbers not on the list below, their lots will not be accessible for some time. The City is confident a great majority of these lots are a total loss due to the level of flooding.

Those tenants on the list below may proceed to the Bellevue City Offices of Permits and Inspections, 1510 Wall Street, Bellevue, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number of the office is 402-293-3014. Tenants will be required to sign a waiver and given further instructions. Tenants that are allowed access may bring in additional people with them to assist in the cleanup process but they MUST stay with the approved tenant at all times.

The floodwaters and previously flooded areas are highly contaminated. There is no electricity in the park and there may not be for some time. We will strictly enforce the Nebraska trespassing law. There is an orange snow fence along 29th Avenue and yellow banner tape across the trees as a visual no trespassing line. Any unauthorized individuals who cross any barrier could be arrested for trespassing. If a citizen leaves the area after the 8:00 p.m. curfew time, they will not be allowed in until 7:00 a.m. the following day.

Homes not impacted by the floodwater include lots:


Manager’s Building at 2902 Hancock – Apartment A and B

Residents of Green Acres and Paradise Lake should follow Bellevue Police and City of Bellevue Facebook and Twitter accounts for the most up to date information. Those sites can also be located by visiting the Bellevue Police and City of Bellevue websites. 

The complete press release can be accessed below!

Documents to download

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