City of Bellevue Release State of the City Video

  • 4 December 2015
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 9759
City of Bellevue Release State of the City Video
Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders has released the State of the City Video online and on BTV-17. This State of the City includes updates from Mayor Sanders, City Administrator Dan Berlowitz and other City Directors which are aimed to inform the residents of Bellevue on projects and activities happening right now as well as Bellevue's current financial state! This 25 minute State of the City can be seen on BTV-17 at various times throughout the week including Saturday's at 1pm, Thursday's at 7pm and Mondays at 7am. It can also be viewed at anytime on the City's Youtube Channel by clicking on the attached link below!
Categories: Announcements
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