City of Bellevue Provides Update on Signalized Crosswalks on Highway 370

Study Has Been Completed and Pedestrian Crossings & Signals will be Included in 2024-25 Budget

  • 15 August 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 2359
City of Bellevue Provides Update on Signalized Crosswalks on Highway 370

The City of Bellevue Street Department engaged a Traffic Engineer to study traffic signal timing along the Highway 370 Corridor between Betz Rd. and 48th Street.  The early recommendations of this study addressed pedestrian safety, signal timing, and smooth flow of traffic, etc.

The study recommends bringing the pedestrian crossings into compliance with current ADA standards.  Deficiencies included lack of sidewalks leading to the crossings, inadequate ADA ramps, and length of walk time to safely cross multiple lanes of traffic. 

The study also recommended the city consider installing advance warning flashers “Stop Flashers” on the existing signals from Arboretum Drive to 48th Street.  Although not required or necessary due to the closely spaced intersections, the installation would create more uniformity along Highway 370 throughout Sarpy County.

A plan of action has been developed and these items have been placed in the 2024/2025 CIP as a budget request to move to final design, to install the “Stop Flashers”, adjust the timing of the signals, and build the adequate infrastructure to make safe pedestrian crossings.

The City of Bellevue will be providing more information as the project moves forward.

Categories: Announcements
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