City of Bellevue Awards the Jewel of Bellevue Award in Honor of Frank Kumor

  • 19 January 2021
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 3952
City of Bellevue Awards the Jewel of Bellevue Award in Honor of Frank Kumor

Bellevue Mayor Rusty Hike and the Bellevue City Council presented the “Jewel of Bellevue” award posthumously to longtime Bellevue Businessman, Frank Kumor. Frank was a loving husband, a proud father, a successful business owner, a dedicated Bellevue School Board member and a great friend to many and as Mayor Hike said in his remarks tonight, “If you didn’t know Frank, you didn’t know Bellevue”

Frank came to Bellevue from North Platte, Nebraska and started working for long time Jeweler, Erwin Dreibus in 1975 and since 1989 he has owned what he referred to as, “this little Jewelry Store on Mission Avenue.” He firmly believed in supporting the community and giving back to others and although he received many well deserved honors over the years, he was not afraid of rolling up his sleeves and helping out to get the job done behind the scenes.

“The Jewel of Bellevue" is the highest civic award the City bestows, and we can think of no one more deserving than Frank Kumor!

Mayor Hike and the City of Bellevue thought it was especially appropriate that the Kumor family receive the first of the newly designed “Jewel of Bellevue” award that includes a replicant of an actual jewel. We feel Frank would of loved this new design and the City of Bellevue thanks Canth Awards Trophy Shop on Galvin Road for coming up with this idea to honor Frank and any future “Jewel of Bellevue” recipients.

Bellevue lost one of its biggest cheerleaders and supporters in December, as Frank was a true Champion for Bellevue! The entire community has benefitted greatly from the generosity of Frank and his family. Since tonight’s City Council Meeting was held virtually due to COVID-19 safety protocols, Frank’s wife Pat, stopped by City Hall earlier today and graciously accepted the award in Frank’s honor from Mayor Hike.

**The inscription reads:

Jewel of Bellevue

Frank Kumor

Your Contributions and Giving Spirit to the Bellevue Community will live on for generations!"

Categories: Announcements
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