Bellevue's Stormwater Mapping Project to Resume

  • 5 July 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5896
Bellevue's Stormwater Mapping Project to Resume

The Bellevue Public Works Department would like to inform residents that beginning July 9th, Midland GIS Solutions will be continuing its surveying and mapping of Bellevue’s stormwater collection system.  This generally consists of locating utility features with global positioning system (GPS) equipment.  This work will be ongoing during the months of July through December of 2018.  You may notice employees of Midland GIS Solutions working in your neighborhood (See map).  They may occasionally need access into and through private property.  The City of Bellevue has easements to perform this type of work and Midland GIS will be as respectful and unobtrusive as possible while completing this project.  As with any project, there may be some inconveniences at times, but no service will be interrupted while this project is taking place.

Categories: Announcements
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