Bellevue to Host Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Community Meeting

Meeting will Discuss and Identify Factors that Affect Housing in our Community

  • 8 September 2017
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5564
Bellevue to Host Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Community Meeting

The City of Bellevue and the  Bellevue Housing Authority invite all community members and stakeholders to the Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Community Meeting on Friday, September 15 2017 at 8:30 a.m. at the Bellevue Fire Training Center which is located at 3100 SP Benson Drive, Bellevue, NE 68147(turn north off Cornhusker at the sign). Breakfast will be provided!

The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss and identify factors that affect housing, including education, employment, and transportation, and identify barriers to fair housing. Your input is greatly needed! The more input gathered the more accurate the plan will be for Bellevue. Please feel free to share this information with friends and family who reside and work in the metro area! Bellevue rsidents can also offer their input via a survey which will help obtain input and identify current conditions in our community.  This survey is available at: amd will remain open through the end of September.

 If special accommodation for persons with disability or non-English speaking persons are needed, please contact the City Clerk at (402)293-3007 no later than September 13, 2017. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact the City of Bellevue at (402)293-3000 or, or the Bellevue Housing Authority at (402)734-5448 or . 

Categories: Announcements
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