Bellevue Public Works Department Announces Traffic Restrictions on 42nd Street between Giles Road and Harrison Street

Concrete street repairs to begin Wednesday, July 28th

  • 26 July 2021
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 3580
Bellevue Public Works Department Announces Traffic Restrictions on 42nd Street between Giles Road and Harrison Street

The Bellevue Public Works Department has announced that portions of 42nd Street between Giles Road and Harrison Street will be restricted to traffic in order to safely complete concrete street repairs.  The segment of 42nd Street from Giles Road to Greene Ave will close to thru traffic beginning Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Access will be maintained for local residents, but thru traffic is advised to follow an alternate route.  Once that segment is complete, the work will progress from south to north, with segments of 42nd Street closing consecutively as shown on the graphic.  Each street segment is expected to close for approximately two weeks. The City of Bellevue and it's contractors are aware that school will be starting toward the end of this project and will take steps to coordinate with Omaha Public Schools and Gross/St. Bernadette regarding these lane restrictions.

Categories: Announcements
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