Bellevue Public Works Department Announces 2016 Street Resurfacing Program

  • 14 July 2016
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 8449
Bellevue Public Works Department Announces 2016 Street Resurfacing Program

The City’s annual street resurfacing projects are scheduled to begin on Monday, July 11, 2016.  Earlier this spring, the City of Bellevue awarded a contract to resurface streets in six areas around the city to Western Engineering Co., Inc.  The following areas are included in this year’s resurfacing program and will be affected by the upcoming construction:

·         Kimberly Street: between Thomas Drive and Betz Road

·         Birchwood Drive: east of 36th Street

·         Avery Heights & Fleetwood Lane:  between Fort Crook and Galvin Roads

·         Harvell Drive: between Fort Crook and Birchcrest Roads

·         Galvin Road: from Bellevue University’s Bruin Blvd. to Fort Crook Road

·         Harrison Street: between Railroad Avenue and 13th Street

Tentative scheduling has Kimberly Street, Birchwood Drive, and Avery Heights beginning this week and ending next week with manhole adjustments scheduled for the first week in August for Kimberly and Avery Heights.  Harrison Street is scheduled to cap this year’s resurfacing program off with its work starting the first week in August and wrapping up with manhole adjustments by August 19th.

This year’s projects also include portions of two primary arterials.  Work along Harvell Drive is expected to begin on July 18th and run through the second week in August.  Galvin Road construction is anticipated to start July 25th and be completed by the end of the third week in August.  Both roadways have areas where pavement markings have been redesigned in an effort to improve traffic flow while reducing motorists’ confusion and frustration.  Along Harvell Drive, the current lane configurations will be altered between Fairfax and Birchcrest Roads (see Harvell diagram).  These alterations include designating the eastbound right lane as a right turn only and shifting the through lane.  Similar changes will take place along Galvin Road at the access road leading to Shopko (see Galvin/Shopko diagram) where the northbound right lane will become a right turn only.  Lane delineation will also be improved through the stretch of Galvin near Peoples Road (see Galvin/Peoples diagram). 

In general, the construction will consist of curb ramp installation and curb repairs followed by milling of the existing roadway and overlaying the milled surface with asphalt.  As with all roadway construction activities, this work may cause an inconvenience to area residents.  Street closings, parking restrictions and lane restrictions will be necessary at times.

Only with each citizen’s help, by observing all temporary requests, can any inconveniences be minimized.  The City is sure any temporary inconvenience will be adequately compensated by the resulting improvements made to these areas. 

The City requests citizens to not move or otherwise tamper with barricades or other warning devices which will be set up in each area.  They are the primary mechanism for identifying potentially unsafe conditions.  The City also asks all residents to exercise due care when in areas near or adjacent to the construction areas and activities.

Funding for this project is made possible by gasoline taxes.   No specific assessment will be made to the affected residents or other property owners in each project area. 

Click on slides below to see the full diagram.

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Categories: Announcements
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