Bellevue Public Library to Re-Open to the Public on Monday, June 22nd with Health Safety Restrictions

  • 18 June 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5504
Bellevue Public Library to Re-Open to the Public on Monday, June 22nd with Health Safety Restrictions

The Bellevue Public Library is taking steps to re-open to the public on Monday, June 22, with some health safety measures in place. These actions are in line with the latest Directed Health Measure issued by Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts and the Sarpy/Cass County Health Department.

When it re-opens, the library will be introducing a “Reserved Hour” from 9 to 10 a.m., Monday through Friday, for persons who are 65+ years of age and/or those who have underlying health conditions. The library will be open to the general public from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday.

For persons who still may not feel comfortable about coming in the building, the library will continue a contactless pickup service on Saturday, from 9 to 4 p.m. Patrons will need to make an arranged appointment to pick up requested items on these days.

Here are some other things to you should know:

  • If you are not feeling well, please do not visit the library at this time.
  • Please limit your visit to 60 minutes or less as the library will be restricted to a 50 percent capacity at this time. Computer use will also be limited to 30-minute sessions and a total of 60 minutes per day. 
  • Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult at all times to make sure that social distancing etiquette is maintained.
  • Masks are strongly recommended while visiting the facility. 
  • Practice social distancing of six feet at all times. Seating and computers have been limited to promote social distancing. 
  • No food or drink will be allowed in the library and drinking fountains will not be available at this time.
  • Public restrooms will be available, but not sanitized between uses. Restrooms will be sanitized once at night.
  • Additional sanitizing stations will be set up in the library, and the cleaning of high-touch areas will be done regularly. 
  • Patrons are encouraged to use self-check stations and to use the Bellevue Public Library app on a personal device when searching the online catalog. In addition, online and phone card applications will continue and are encouraged.
  • Policies regarding holds and checkout limitations will go back to their regular levels. Card expirations will resume in July. The blocks for fines will also resume in July for persons wanting access to the library’s digital ebooks and eAudiobooks (i.e., access will only be allowed to cardholders in good standing).
  • Interlibrary Loan service will resume on Monday, June 22.
  • Material returns will be accepted via the outside return only. Returned items will be quarantined for at least 72 hours before being checked in and returned to circulation. No fines will be assessed during the quarantine period. Note: The outside return includes a “Media” slot for audiovisual materials such as DVDs and books on CD.
  • Meeting rooms are unavailable until further notice.
  • High-touch collections including games, craft stamps, and oversized children’s books will also be unavailable. In addition, toys, puzzles, and puppets will not be available in the Children’s Area at this time.
  • All in-person library programs have been moved online until further notice. Information on the Summer Reading Program can be found on the library’s website or its social media pages.
  • The Kids Cruisin’ Kitchen Mobile Backpack Program will be held at the library on Tuesdays (starting July 7) from 5 to 6 p.m. for children 18 years and younger. Participants will be given 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches, and 10 milks that they should take home with them.
  • Until further notice, the book sale room will remain closed and material donations will not be accepted.

Please note that the library’s digital materials remain available 24/7 from the library’s website under Digital Library or Services and Resources.

All patrons who use the library do so at their own risk. The sanitation of every item and surface cannot be guaranteed. The Bellevue Public Library reserves the right to modify (stricter or loosen) these restrictions based on health care directives from the Governor’s Office, the Sarpy/Cass County Health Department, and/or the City of Bellevue Administration. The library appreciates the understanding and patience of the public as it transitions to re-establishing fuller services. 

Categories: Announcements
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