Bellevue Public Library Host Informational Program in Advance of the Solar Eclipse

Programs can be viewed on the City of Bellevue's YouTube Channel

  • 15 August 2017
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 6502
Bellevue Public Library Host Informational Program in Advance of the Solar Eclipse

The Bellevue Public Library hosted a Great American Solar Eclipse presentation on Monday evening which was attended by over 400 people. Dr. Jack Gabel, who is an Associate Professor of Physics at Creighton University presented information regarding the upcoming eclipse in our area.  If you were unable to attend this event and would like to view the presentation in its entirety please click here for the youtube version of this program along with an intro from Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders. Special thanks to Staci Nelson from the City of Bellevue's Community Relation Department for recording this informative presentation.

Citizens of Bellevue that subscribe to COX Communications can also watch the Great American Solar Eclipse presentation with Dr. Jack Gabel everyday at 9am and 9:30pm on BTV Channel - 17 on the COX Communication system in Sarpy County through the Solar Eclipse Event. In addition Bellevue residents can also watch the Solar Eclipse Safety program by the Omaha Astronomical Society at 7am and 6pm every day on BTV -17 through August 21st. This presentation was originally  presented at the Bellevue Public Library on August  7th and is also available to watch anytime on the City of Bellevue's YouTube Channel

Thank you to Julie Dinville and Frankie Hannan from the Bellevue Public Library for coordinating and hosting these special presentations to help keep Bellevue residents educated on the upcoming Solar Eclipse.

Categories: Announcements
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