Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders Reelected to the NARC Board of Directors

  • 12 July 2016
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7492
Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders Reelected to the NARC Board of Directors

Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders was recently reelected to serve on the National Association of Regional Councils - Transportation (NARC) Board of Directors to represent District 12 which encompasses Nebraska, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota and North Dakota. NARC represents more than 250 regional councils and metropolitan planning organizations, and serves as the national voice for regionalism by advocating for regional cooperation as the most effective way to address a variety of community planning and development opportunities and issues.

The NARC celebrated its 50th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Salt Lake City, Utah in late June and Mayor Sanders was reelected as the District 12 Director during this Conference. Mayor Sanders is pleased to represent this district for another term and aims to continue to support this regional approach to transportation which brings jurisdictions together to implement change in the most efficient and effective way.

For more information about the NARC please go to



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