9/11 Memorial Ceremony Honors Nebraska & Western Iowa Soldiers Who Lost Their Lives Defending Our Country

Annual Ceremony to be Held at American Heroes Park at 6:00 pm on Monday, Sept. 11th.

  • 8 September 2017
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5618
9/11 Memorial Ceremony Honors Nebraska & Western Iowa Soldiers Who Lost Their Lives Defending Our Country

Bellevue’s annual 9/11 Memorial Ceremony, which honors fallen and wounded warriors, first responders, and new citizens, will again take place at American Heroes Park at 6:00 pm on Monday, Sept. 11th. The Kiwanis Club of Bellevue sponsors the ceremony. The park is located on the north side of Mission Ave. across from Haworth Park (just before the toll bridge).

This ceremony honors the men and women and their families who have courageously fought for our country as well as the lives lost on that tragic day in 2001 and the first responders – firefighters, EMTs, and law enforcement -- who protect us every day. We will also be honoring our Wounded Warriors and their families, who struggle daily to live complete and fulfilling lives, despite their challenges.

The ceremony includes a citizenship ceremony where 23 new Americans will take their oath of citizenship, recognition of our emergency first responders, and a Roll Call of our Fallen Heroes from Nebraska and Western Iowa. The ringing of the Four Fives will honor first responders, while the Thirteen Folds of the Flag honors the patriotic spirit of Americans, young and old.

“Over the years, we’ve conferred citizenship on over 400 new Americans. The citizenship ceremony really makes a statement,” according to O’Donnell. “Our new citizens come from varied backgrounds, just as those who fell in service to their country, but they all have a common bond - the desire to be a part of and tp serve greatest land of opportunity on earth.

“The primary objective in creating the memorial in 2002 was to create a place for people, especially families of fallen warriors, to come and find a place of solace and a reminder that those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten”, according to O’Donnell. “We hope to provide another step in the closure process for families who’ve lost a loved one, but it’s also intended as a recommitment to the ideals and values that make America a shining beacon of hope in the world. “It’s also a place where wounded warriors and their families can hopefully find shared values and kinship with their comrades.”  

O’Donnell added that the ceremony’s breadth offers a wonderful educational opportunity for parents and grandparents to teach young people. “I think every parent or grandparent ought to have their whole family at the ceremony – lessons of a lifetime can be taught in one short hour,” he added.                                                                                                                                                                                       


 For More Information, Contact: Bill or Barb O’Donnell, Kiwanis Club of Bellevue at 402-933-0866 (office) or 402-292-3387 (home).

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