Hawkins Construction to Perform Overnight Construction Activities on 36th Street between Brook Drive and Raynor Drive

Construction is Part of a City of Omaha West Papio Interceptor Siphon Replacement Project

  • 31 January 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 3457
Hawkins Construction to Perform Overnight Construction Activities on 36th Street between Brook Drive and Raynor Drive

The City of Bellevue's Public Works Department has been informed that Hawkins Construction Co. in collaboration with the City of Omaha and Bellevue and HDR, Inc. will be performing overnight construction activities at the project site on 36th Street between Brook Drive and Raynor Drive.  These activities are a part of a City of Omaha W. Papio Interceptor Siphon Replacement project.   Those within the area of the project site can expect heighted activities of heavy construction equipment, heightened noise levels due to excavation for pipe installation, and occasional road closures and detours.  The extended hours of construction is expected to be completed by April 1, 2024 and the project completed by June 30, 2024.  Should there be any question or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any of these key personnel:

                Jessy Ridder, Hawkins Construction: 402-221-7638

                Scott Schmoker, HDR, Inc: 402-399-1014

                Gabe Astorino, City of Omaha: 402-202-3205

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as crews work towards enhancing the infrastructure in the area while minimizing traffic disruptions that might occur during daylight hours. 

Categories: Announcements
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