City of Bellevue Receives 2018 Community Preparedness Award from American Red Cross

  • 14 June 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 4907
City of Bellevue Receives 2018 Community Preparedness Award from American Red Cross

The City of Bellevue received the 2018 Community Preparedness Award from the American Red Cross Board of Directors at their Annual Meeting Wednesday afternoon. The American Red Cross presents this award to honor, "an organization for its commitment in promoting Community Preparedness and whose contributions have made a significant impact to the improvement of the community." Bellevue Mayor, Rita Sanders; Fire Chief, Perry Guido and Battalion Chief Joseph Gibilisco attended the Annual Meeting and accepted the award from Red Cross Board Member Megan Barlow on behalf of the City of Bellevue!

In a letter that announced the award, Jill Orton, a Region Executive for the American Red Cross stated, "The City of Bellevue is a steadfast supporter of the Red Cross, and this year's Sound the Alarm, Save a Life campaign, from the very beginning." "The City of Bellevue's commitment to preparedness extends throughout the entire organization, with employees at all levels willing to participate in Red Cross activities..."

The City of Bellevue is proud to have a great working relationship with this great organization and we thank the Red Cross for this recognition and all the good work they do in our community!


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