City of Bellevue Opens Second Tree Debris Drop Off Location at Haworth Park

Haworth Park and Cedar Island Rd. Drop Off Sites will be Open daily until 8pm at Least through Sunday, August 4th

  • 1 August 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 2730
City of Bellevue Opens Second Tree Debris Drop Off Location at Haworth Park

Due to large amount of tree damage in our community, the City of Bellevue has opened a second drop off site for tree related debris from last night’s storm. This additional drop off location is located near the baseball/softball fields at Haworth Park which is located near 2502 Payne Drive. This location is currently open and will remain open at least through daylight hours on Sunday. When you arrive at the parking lot, look for the gravel entrance on the east side of the vacant lot and exit on the west side of the lot after the debris is dropped off.

The City of Bellevue’s Tree Dump which is located just north of 8902 Cedar Island Road near the Rose Lane intersection, also remains open for residents to dispose of storm-related tree debris. Both Tree Dump will remain open daily from 7am to 8pm at least through Sunday, August 4th and then the City will reevaluate the hours and disposal options for next week. Both Tree Dumps will be unmanned and are open for all Bellevue residents, but no commercial dumping is allowed.

Categories: Announcements
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