Boeing Corporation Presents the Bellevue Police Department a $15,000 Donation Towards the LifeSaver Program

  • 1 February 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5900
Boeing Corporation Presents the Bellevue Police Department a $15,000 Donation Towards the LifeSaver Program

Representatives from The Boeing Corporation were at the Bellevue Police Department Headquarters on Wednesday, January 31st, to present a donation of $15,000.00 to the Sarpy County LifeSaver Program. This donation will be utilized among Sarpy County agencies for the purchase of the LifeSaver devices so more people in Sarpy County can be served.

Project Lifesaver is a program that provides law enforcement, fire/rescue, other first responders, and caregivers with equipment and training to quickly locate and rescue individuals with cognitive disorders. Many people who are part of the LifeSaver Program are prone to the life-threatening behavior of wandering and may have disorders including Alzheimer’s, Autism, and Down syndrome.

To date, nation-wide Project Lifesaver agencies have conducted over 3,000 successful rescues. Most who wander are found within a few miles from home, and search times have been reduced from hours and days to minutes. Recovery times for Project Lifesaver clients average 30 minutes — 95% less time than standard operations.
In Sarpy County there are 56 active clients utilizing this technology. In the history of the Sarpy County program three searches have been conducted all of which were successful.

The City of Bellevue would like to thank the men and women of the Boeing Corporation for this generous donation!

Categories: Announcements
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