Bellevue is Latest Stop in Travelers Goal of Planting a Tree in Every State

Three Oak Trees are Planted at the Two Spring Park Trail Entry as the "Jaunt Around the States" Continues

  • 1 October 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7182
Bellevue is Latest Stop in Travelers Goal of Planting a Tree in Every State

The City of Bellevue Parks Superintendent, Brian Madison, along with City Councilman Don Preister welcomed a special visitor to town early Sunday morning to help plant  three oak trees near the Two Springs Park trail entry.  

Michael A Repas is currently engaged in the trip of a lifetime - after years of planning, he is about halfway through his quest to solo camp every single US state and Canadian province... In a row. He designed and built his overlanding rig, and then thought about how he didn't really want to buy any souvenirs, to take with him. Rather, he considered how he might leave something positive behind. After some thought, he settled on trying to plant a tree in each state and province along the way. Michael found it is a lot harder to plant trees than he thought: between bureaucratic red tape; and also legitimate concerns over a lack of care for newly planted trees being a real problem for their survival... He hasn't planted quite as many trees as he hoped. The places he has been welcomed to plant, like here in Bellevue, are all the more special for his ability to leave something positive behind him as he drives. You can read more about his trip on his blog (, which shall be fully updated once he has returned to Cleveland Ohio, later in November of this year.

Thank you for visiting Bellevue and best of luck as your adventure continues!

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