Galvin Road Resurfacing to Resume on Wednesday, September 14th

  • 9 September 2016
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 9277
Galvin Road Resurfacing to Resume on Wednesday, September 14th

The City of Bellevue's Public Works Department has provided the following update to the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program  regarding Galvin Road! 

Galvin Road from Bellevue University’s Bruin Boulevard (formerly Wright Way) north to Fort Crook Road will be the second major arterial to be addressed in this year’s resurfacing program.  Beginning Wednesday, September 14th, Western Engineering is expected to resume milling and paving along this stretch of Galvin Road and is anticipated to complete resurfacing in approximately three weeks. 

As with all roadway construction activities, this work may cause an inconvenience to citizens.  Street closings, parking restrictions and lane restrictions will be necessary at times.  Motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes during construction.  When it is safe, local access will be provided during construction and when construction is not occurring.

It is anticipated the construction will require overnight roadway closures for resurfacing.  Access for those businesses operating at night will be provided during the nighttime resurfacing effort.  Night-time resurfacing will generally run from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am.  Daytime resurfacing will generally take place in the area of Cascio Dr. to Avery Road.

The Bellevue Public Works Department would like to remind the public not to move or otherwise tamper with barricades or other warning devices.  They are the primary mechanism for identifying potentially unsafe conditions.  As applicable, please advise others of the upcoming work and the need to exercise due care when in areas near or adjacent to the construction areas and activities.

Categories: Announcements
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