City of Bellevue Suspended Building and Rental/Minimum Housing Inspections Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

  • 31 March 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5226
City of Bellevue Suspended Building and Rental/Minimum Housing Inspections Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

At this time the City of Bellevue has suspended building and rental/minimum housing inspections for occupied structures. This applies only to inspections of existing, occupied structures undergoing alterations and additions as well as rental/minimum housing inspections. All unoccupied new construction is not included in this suspension.


In order to keep these projects moving forward, the Permits Department will allow the general contractor to provide the following documentation; A written statement that all building, electrical, plumbing & mechanical is in code compliance and photos of the work. Each licensed contractor: general, electrical, plumbing & mechanical if involved on a project must sign a Hold Harmless Agreement provided by the City, that relieves the City from any liability on the work signed off on by the trades. The Hold Harmless Agreement can be found by clicking here.


Once the City of Bellevue returns to normal operations, the Permits Department will perform a final inspection on all projects effected by this suspension.   


If you have any questions regarding this change in operations, please contact the Permits Department at (402) 293-3014  

Categories: Announcements
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