Bellevue's City Council Meeting will be Held as Scheduled this Evening with a Few Modifications

  • 17 March 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 4714
Bellevue's City Council Meeting will be Held as Scheduled this Evening with a Few Modifications

In an effort for the City of Bellevue to comply with guidance from Governor Pete Ricketts, the Centers for Disease Control and the Sarpy/Cass Department of Health's, recommendation that all public gatherings and events should be limited to 10 people or less, there will be some changes to the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting this evening.

Only Mayor Hike, City Administrator Jim Ristow, City Attorney Bree Robbins, the City Clerk and the six members of the City Council will be in the room for the duration of the meeting. They will have a space  Law enforcement officers will be in the hallway and Bellevue City Director's will be watching from a conference room and will come in to speak at the podium if they are called upon or a question arises. The media and public will watch the meeting via closed circuit TV in two adjoining rooms. These viewers will be limited to 10 people in each room with the ability to use another room should the number of attendees warrant such. They will also be given the opportunity to come to the podium and speak on any issue that that is discussed this evening. Mayor Hike and members of the City Council will be available to talk to the media after the meeting has concluded. Interested residents can also watch the meeting live, starting at 6:00pm, on COX Channel 17 in Sarpy County or tape delayed on the City's YouTube Channel within a day or so of the meeting.

We fully realize that this may cause some longer than normal pauses as someone needs to enter the room but it is important that we as government officials do our part to help limit the spread of this virus. The City of Bellevue’s Communications Department is working on a way that will allow us to conduct a virtual meeting in the future which could be especially important as we move forward through this pandemic.

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