Splash Pad Construction and Park Improvements Begin at Lookingglass Heights II Park

Project Expected to be Completed by June 2021

  • 29 September 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7486
Splash Pad Construction and Park Improvements Begin at Lookingglass Heights II Park

It has been a little over a year since the City of Bellevue solicited feedback from citizens at its August 13, 2019 public meeting for the City’s third splash pad. Bids were opened on July 29th and Dostal's Construction began construction on the splash pad and park improvements at Lookingglass Heights II Park located to the west of Leonard Lawrence Elementary School on south 30th Street.

The City’s latest splash pad is intended to fulfill a long overdue need for a water facility in southwest Bellevue. Because of its proximity to the elementary school and its location being centrally located by the surrounding neighborhoods, this splash pad will be the largest one in Bellevue with just under 4900 square feet of spray area making it nearly 2 ½ and 3 ½ times larger in total area than the pads at Everett Park and Banner Park, respectively.

Once completed, the park improvements will include on-site parking designed to help limit the need for visitors to park on the streets of the area neighborhoods and other amenities including a restroom facility similar to the other splash pad parks, limestone seating area and picnic tables with shade structures, and benches located around the play area.

The City of Bellevue estimates that this splash pad will be complete and ready for use by June of 2021. Please watch for more updates as the project progresses.


Categories: Announcements
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