Full Size Replica of Lewis and Clark's Keel Boat and A Crew of Living History Re-Enactors to Visit Bellevue on October 6th and 7th

Great Opportunity for Bellevue Residents to Learn More About the Lewis And Clark Expedition

  • 2 October 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 1650
Full Size Replica of Lewis and Clark's Keel Boat and A Crew of Living History Re-Enactors to Visit Bellevue on October 6th and 7th

Looking to check out something unique in Bellevue?

History buffs, students of all ages, families, and others who want to have a fun way to learn more about the 1803-04 Lewis and Clark Expedition will have a grand opportunity on October 6th and 7th on the banks of the Missouri River right here in Bellevue at Haworth Park.

A replica of the explorer’s keelboat will make its way 121 miles down the Missouri River throughout the first half of October and Bellevue is fortunate to be included as one of the stops along with additional stops in Omaha and Nebraska City.

The keelboat will be filled with a crew of living-history reenactors who will be replicating the Lewis and Clark period in history by wearing uniforms, leathers, and other period clothing. They will teach about the expedition, carry firelocks, cook over open campfires, sleep under canvas tents, and portray the lifestyle of the explorers as closely as possible in our modern world. The public is invited and encourages to stop by and check out the re-enactment and learn more about expedition.

Here is the schedule for the Bellevue stops with exact times to be determined:


  • October 6: The keelboat will be moved by truck early in the morning to its next destination, Bellevue, Neb.
  • October 6-7: The boat will be moored in the river at Bellevue and be available for the public to visit and talk with the re-enactors.
  • October 7: The boat will leave Bellevue to float down the river to Nebraska City, Neb. The crew will camp for 2 nights at the replica of the Fort Camp Dubois at the Lewis & Clark Visitor Center.

Thank you to the Lewis & Clark Discovery Expedition of St. Charles, Mo. and others for sponsoring and this Missouri River Journey. According to Robert Foster, from the Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum, the goal is that this river expedition offers a one-of-a-kind learning experience that will help school children, families and even historians better understand the importance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in leading the way for the westward expansion of our country.”

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