Construction Set to Begin for 36th Street Project in Bellevue

Project Website and Social Media Sites have been Set Up for Updated Information and Timelines

  • 22 September 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7232
Construction Set to Begin for 36th Street Project in Bellevue

The City of Bellevue's Public Works Department has announced that, weather permitting, construction of Phase 1 of the 36th Street Improvement Project is set to begin this week (9/22/20). Phase 1 is from Bline Avenue to Sheridan Road. Tree and shrub removals will begin immediately, however there should be no impacts to traffic at this time. Construction of Phase 1 is anticipated to be completed by fall 2022.

The total project includes improvements and lane widening on 36th Street from Bline Avenue to Platteview Road. Phase 2 of the project from Sheridan Road to Platteview Road is currently in design. Construction of Phase 2 is anticipated to begin in spring 2023 and be complete by fall 2023.

Visit the project website,, for new informational videos about the project, including detailed construction phasing of Phase 1 and the design of Phase 2. Also follow the project on Facebook at and Twitter, @Bellevue36thSt, for construction updates and other important project information.

Categories: Announcements
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