City of Bellevue Featured in Business in Focus Magazine

National Magazine Article Focuses on City's Economic Development Efforts

  • 20 October 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5465
City of Bellevue Featured in Business in Focus Magazine

“Situated in the heart of the Great Plains, the City of Bellevue, Nebraska enjoys an ideal location along rolling hills overlooking the Missouri River with easy access to Omaha. From a thriving economy and highly ranked schools to over 600 acres of parkland and plenty of Midwestern hospitality, the community ticks all the boxes!" This was the way the City of Bellevue was described in a recent national publication.

The new economic development efforts of the City of Bellevue were recently discussed in a feature article that has been published in the October 2020 edition of “Business in Focus” magazine. “Business In Focus” is a national publication,  with approximately 500,000 subscribers, that  aims to provide a comprehensive view of North American business through its monthly online and print editions that bring together the country’s top businesses and potential clients. 

Mayor Rusty Hike, City Administrator Jim Ristow, Community Development Director Mark Elbert and Bellevue Chamber of Commerce President Kevin Hensel were all interviewed for the publication and discussed their bold plans to take Bellevue in a, “new direction” when it comes to economic development in our community. An online edition of the article can be found at:

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