The 36th Street Widening Project Environmental Assessment is Available for Viewing in Advance of January's Public Hearing

The 36th Street Public Hearing will be held on January 5, 2017 from 5pm to 7pm at St. Matthews Church

  • 29 December 2016
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 9942
The 36th Street Widening Project Environmental Assessment is Available for Viewing in Advance of January's Public Hearing
Olsson Associates has release a draft of the Environmental Assessment for the 36th Street Widening project for the public to view in advance of January's Public Hearing. This Project involves proposed improvements to a segment of 36th Street between Bline Avenue and Platteview Road, in Bellevue. This existing roadway is a two lane roadway, and the stormwater in this area is managed using a series of roadside ditches. 


The need for the Project is to reduce the current and future problems with congestion and travel delays along the 36th Street corridor between Bline Avenue and Platteview Road while increasing mobility, improving system levels of service, and enhancing safety in the area. The 36th Street corridor provides access to through traffic and provides primary access to numerous schools, places of worship, and residential subdivisions. In addition, 36th Street serves as one of the main connections to Offutt Air Force Base via Capehart Road to the east. The full Environmental Assessment can be accessed at the following link:

The next step of this project will be a Public Hearing which is scheduled for January 5, 2017 from 5pm to 7pm at St. Matthew Church off of 36th Street*** Design information will be displayed at this Public Hearing and personnel from the Nebraska Department of Roads and the City of Bellevue will be present to answer questions and receive comments regarding the Project.

*** Please note that an early edition of the Bellevue Leader listed the wrong location for the 36th Street Public meeting. This article has been corrected and can be viewed at this link:


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