Recent Rains Cause Slight Changes in 2018 Street Resurfacing Program Schedule

  • 21 August 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7316
Recent Rains Cause Slight Changes in 2018 Street Resurfacing Program Schedule

Due to the recent heavy rains, the Bellevue Public Works Department has released an updated Tentative Construction Schedule for the 2018 Street Resurfacing Program. 

Paving along 36th Street will begin at 9:00am today (Tuesday, August 21st) and will resume from the Giles Road intersection and proceed south towards Cornhusker Road.  While flaggers will direct residents as necessary to and from their property, residents are asked to have patience and plan in advance with the construction in mind.  Access to each property is typically available within a few hours of the paver passing a driveway or intersection.

No Street Closures Required
(under traffic with flaggers)
Street Closures Required
August 21, 2018 Tuesday   36th Street
August 22, 2018 Wednesday   36th Street
August 23, 2018 Thursday Cornhusker Road (night)* Cedar Island Road
August 24, 2018 Friday Cornhusker Road (night)* Cedar Island Road
August 25, 2018 Saturday    
August 26, 2018 Sunday Cornhusker Road (night)* Cornhusker Road (night)*
August 27, 2018 Monday Cornhusker Road (night)* Cornhusker Road (night)*
August 28, 2018 Tuesday Cornhusker Road (night)* Cornhusker Road (night)*
August 29, 2018 Wednesday   Cornhusker Road (night)*
August 30, 2018 Thursday   Cornhusker Road (night)*
Note:  Utility adjustments to follow Paving Operations (under traffic with no Street Closure)
* Street Closures will not be required; however, Lane Closures will be required.

The resurfacing program is one of the most visible programs the City undertakes each year and is 80% funded through the State program.  Through this program the City resurfaces and repairs streets damaged by age, freezing and thawing, and other factors.  Generally, the work will consist of milling off 2” of the existing surface, and laying down a new asphalt surface course.  This new surface is smooth and will extend the life of the street. Utility adjustments of manholes, valve boxes, and inlets will be completed once milling and resurfacing. 

As with all roadway construction activities, this work may cause an inconvenience to you.  The public is asked not to move or otherwise tamper with barricades or other warning devices.  They are the primary mechanism for identifying potentially unsafe conditions. 


Categories: Announcements
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