Mayor Hike & Bellevue City Council Recognize Steve Betts and Jim Shada for 45 Years of Dedicated Service to the Bellevue Community

  • 17 May 2023
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 398
Mayor Hike & Bellevue City Council Recognize Steve Betts and Jim Shada for 45 Years of Dedicated Service to the Bellevue Community

Bellevue Mayor Rusty Hike and the Bellevue City Council took a few minutes at the beginning of the May 16, 2023 City Council meeting to recognize and honor two of Bellevue’s most dedicated and knowledgeable employees for their 45 years of service to the community. Congratulations and thank you to Bellevue Assistant Fire Chief Steve Betts and Deputy Director of Parks & Recreation Jim Shada for your efforts and the difference you have made in Bellevue. They both received standing ovations from the City Council, City Staff and the ctowd that packed the Council Chambers this evening. Here are Mayor Hike’s remarks about each one of these valuable employees:

Steve Betts

Steve Betts joined the Bellevue Fire Department 50 years ago as a volunteer firefighter at the age of 16. Five years later, the City hired Steve to work in the Street Department, where he worked for approximately 15 years until he taught himself how to program police and fire radios. He then became the City’s Communications Director. Steve was instrumental in building the Sarpy County 911 Center and the Fire Training Site. Throughout these years, he continued volunteering his time as a firefighter and rose the ranks to become fire chief of the then-volunteer fire department. Steve served as the first full-time, paid fire chief on an interim basis, and in 2010, he became the City’s first Assistant Fire Chief with a dual role as the Communications Director. His dedication to the City is evident not just in his 50 years of service, but also in the phrase one is certain to hear at least daily in City Hall, “Call Steve Betts. He’ll be able to help.”

Steve puts in far more than his fair share of hours at the City every week but during his free time he does like to hang out with his wife Aimee, and they enjoy traveling and checking out new places. He also looks forward every year to taking the lead with the electrical set up and the vendors for the Bellevue Rocks Riverfront Festival. In fact, he recently commented that his love of this festival and the people that put it on may keep him around the City for at least five more years, especially if he gets some chocolate brownies out of the deal! We will be lucky to have him!

Jim Shada:

Jim Shada started his career with the City of Bellevue in 1978 as a Planning Assistant. He moved over to the Parks Department in 1988 as a Recreation Coordinator and since then he has been a fixture in the Bellevue Recreation Department and has had made a significant impact in the lives of many youths in our community! He also may have given some of you tennis lessons over the years since he has been a volunteer tennis instructor for over half of his career.

During his years in the Recreation Department, Jim has worked tirelessly to improve the recreational activities offered by the city to area residents and he is especially proud of his work designing and overseeing the installation of the new Stonecroft ADA Playground Project and the recent installation of new playgrounds at 10 parks throughout the City. He is very dedicated to the City’s Recreation Programs and usually works well over 40 hours a week and rarely takes vacation if sports are in season.

For the last three years, Jim has taken on a dual role as Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation. Although his increased role brings with it added responsibility, Jim has been described by some of his co-workers as a great boss who listens to new ideas and is not afraid to show his appreciation for the hard work done by his employees. He is also always willing to assist other department as the needs arise.

During his limited free time. Jim is a proud and devoted husband, father and grandfather and loves to play tennis, fish, and follow his grandchildren to all their activities.

Thank you to Jim Shada for the difference you have made in Bellevue.

Categories: Announcements
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