Gross High School and Green Bellevue Will Celebrate Arbor Day on Tuesday, April 30th 1 pm

Event includes Student lead National Anthem, Mayor’s Proclamation reading, tree planting, tree pledge and school song.

  • 30 April 2019
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7208
Gross High School and Green Bellevue Will Celebrate Arbor Day on Tuesday, April 30th 1 pm

Green Bellevue and Gross High school students and faculty will celebrate Arbor Day on Tuesday, April 30 on the Gross High campus. The event will feature the entire student body and faculty in the program. Starting with the student led opening of the National Anthem, the students will then divide into 2 groups for separate readings of Mayor Rusty Hike’s Proclamation, declaring Arbor Day in Bellevue..  Instructions for proper tree planting will be given by Green Bellevue & Tree Board members, to the students, who will then plant the 2 trees.  A pledge to protect trees will be recited by all.  Rich Carey, event coordinator, will provide closing remarks followed by the school song.   

“Gross Catholic High School has a proud tradition of service and care for our environment,” said Rich Carey, retired teacher and volunteer at Gross.  “Our students appreciate the value of trees, both to our campus and to the greater community.  Planting these 2 trees will be their legacy to the students who follow them at Gross.”

I am proud to participate with the compassionate leaders of Gross High, in organizing this truly Nebraska holiday of Arbor Day,” said Don Preister, founder of Green Bellevue and the city Tree Board. “Tending to both trees and youth is vital to our world. I am inspired by the students.”   

The event starts just after 1pm on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 on the campus of Gross Catholic High School, 7700 S 43rd St. Bellevue, NE.     

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