Construction Project to Resume on Harlan Drive Bridge over Fort Crook Road

Look for Lane Restrictions Starting on Monday, April 3rd and Lasting for a Few Weeks

  • 31 March 2023
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 2895
Construction Project to Resume on Harlan Drive Bridge over Fort Crook Road

The City of Bellevue's Public Works Department has been notified by Vrana Construction that they will resume construction on the bridge on Harlan Drive over Fort Crook Road next week.  Beginning Monday, April 3rd, the westbound lanes of Harlan Drive will be closed and traffic will be shifted so that it is head-to-head on the eastbound lanes.  This traffic shift is expected to last approximately two weeks.  Once work on the westbound lanes is complete, Vrana Construction will move the cones and shift traffic to the outside lane in each direction in order to restore the center median that was removed for the traffic cross-overs.  The median repair work is expected to last approximately one week.

Please be extra careful in these construction areas and observe the posted speed limits so construction crews can finish these repairs in a timely fashion.

Categories: Announcements
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