City of Omaha Making Upgrades at Wastewater Plant in Southeast Bellevue

If You have a Odor Complaint from this Facility please call the City of Omaha at 402-444-4919

  • 28 March 2023
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 3191
City of Omaha Making Upgrades at Wastewater Plant in Southeast Bellevue

In August of 2022, the City of Omaha's Papillion Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility  (PCWRRF) experienced an equipment failure that resulted in a significant change in operations at the facility.  This is believed to be the cause behind an increase in odors and a change in the characteristics of odors emanating from the facility.  The City of Omaha is scheduled to receive the necessary parts and equipment needed for repairs in late March, and are hopeful to complete the required construction in April. The repair should help return the plant to normal operating conditions. This will not eliminate odors from the facility, but should return to conditions prior to what has been experienced in the recent months. 

In order for the staff that operates and maintains the PCWRRF to best understand when odors outside of the facility are impacting the surrounding area,  it is important to report odors believed to be associated with the facility to the City of Omaha at 402-444-4919. You should indicate the date, time, location, and if possible, duration of the odor.

The City of Omaha will be making substantial upgrades within this facility that will be ongoing for close to a decade.  The construction of upgrades that are part of a City of Omaha's Wastewater master plan began in the fall of 2022, and currently are planned to continue through 2030 and beyond.  The upgrades include:

  • In the fall of 2022, construction started on a $20 million dollar project  to allow for biogas produced at the facility to be injected into the Black Hills Energy pipeline, the project will generate revenue for the City of Omaha that will help pay for future capital improvements. 
  • Starting in the spring of 2023, construction of the facility's Digester upgrade project will begin.  This multi-year project will add to the solids treatment capacity, allowing for the facility to continue to serve Omaha and the surrounding communities within the metro area as growth of the area continues. 
  • Planned to start construction in 2026 and continuing though at least the end of the decade will be the  $400 million dollar upgrade to the facility's secondary treatment complex. This will replace equipment that has been in service since the 1970's, the new technology will allow for the plant to meet upcoming regulatory requirements.

The PCWRRF is an integral part of infrastructure that provides wastewater treatment for most of Bellevue’s ETJ.   The City of Bellevue is excited to see this renewed investment by Omaha, as it ensures our growing community will continue to be provided best-in-class wastewater processing and treatment. You can read more about the PCWRRF here:

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