City of Bellevue's Planning Commission Meeting to be held Virtually on 03/26/2020

Public is Invited to Participate in Three Different Ways

  • 26 March 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 4531
City of Bellevue's Planning Commission Meeting to be held Virtually on 03/26/2020

Due to Concerns Related to the Coronavirus and for the safety of the Planning Commissioners, City Employees and the General Public, tonight’s meeting (03/26/2020) of the Bellevue Planning Commission will be closed to physical attendance by the public.The Planning Commissioners will also be participating virtually from their home or office in order to limit the amount of people physically attending the meeting to less than 10 due to the current guidelines by the Governor and local Health Departments. 

There are three ways that the public can participate in the meeting.

  1. Watch it live via Facebook Live on the City of Bellevue’s Facebook Page which is located at  Questions will also be able to be submitted in writing via this format in the comments section!
  2. Submit your question or concern via email to and it will be asked and submitted into the record if related to an agenda item for the public hearing!
  3. Please call the Community Relations Department at 402-515-6259 anytime during the meeting to receive a phone number and access code to join the meeting via GoToMeeting


The meeting will not be televised live but will be played back on the City of Bellevue's YouTube Channel within a few days of the meeting.The City of Bellevue thanks you for your cooperation during these unprecedented times as we conduct this public meeting in the safest way possible for all involved!

Categories: Announcements
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