City of Bellevue to Host Open House for Public Input on Mission Avenue Streetscaping and Reconstruction Project

Open House will be Held on Thursday, April 6th between 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Bellevue Volunteer Fire Hall

  • 30 March 2023
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 2673
City of Bellevue to Host Open House for Public Input on Mission Avenue Streetscaping and Reconstruction Project

The City of Bellevue cordially invites all residents interested in the revitalization of Mission Avenue within downtown Bellevue to attend a drop-in open house to gather public input on the project. The Open House will occur on Thursday April 6th between 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Bellevue Volunteer Fire Hall at 2108 Franklin Street. During the two-hour period residents are welcome to drop-in to view preliminary sketches of the street and sidewalk improvements and visit with city staff and the design consultant. A short formal presentation will occur at 5:30 pm followed by time for questions and answers. Residents are welcome to come and go as they wish during the open house. The intent of this meeting is to show some preliminary street and sidewalk design ideas and receive the public’s thoughts and ideas on them.

Categories: Announcements
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