City of Bellevue Seeks Public Input on New Comprehensive and Transportation Planning Effort

Brief Online Public Survey Available Through January 28, 2024

  • 7 December 2023
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 2431
City of Bellevue Seeks Public Input on New Comprehensive and Transportation Planning Effort

The City of Bellevue is excited to announce the development of a new comprehensive plan and long-range transportation plan. Our Future View, the name of this planning effort, will set the long-term vision for the city and focus on land use, development, character, housing, economic development, all modes of transportation, the natural environment, and more.

Community input is vital to successful comprehensive and transportation planning. The development of both plans at the same time is a unique opportunity to provide a coordinated road map guiding the city’s growth, travel, and development for the next 10 to 20 years.

The first step in the planning process is to gather public input so the city and project consultant have a better understanding of what residents desire for the future of Bellevue. The first engagement opportunity is a public survey. Residents are encouraged to share their priorities for Bellevue’s future by filling out a survey that is available on the project website: Surveys are to be completed online and submitted by January 28, 2024.

Throughout the next year, the community will have additional opportunities to provide input into the plan’s development. To be notified of project updates and to receive more details about the public open houses as they become available, visit Sign up for project updates via email and/or text message by visiting the project website. To sign up for text message project alerts, text bellevueplan to 888.521.3871 and follow the prompts.


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