City of Bellevue Recognizes Leevi Reber for Achieving the Rank of Eagle Scout

Mr. Reber Completed his Eagle Scout Project by Working on Projects at the Bellevue Library

  • 1 December 2016
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 9050
City of Bellevue Recognizes Leevi Reber for Achieving the Rank of Eagle Scout
Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders and City Councilman Jim Moudry presented a certificate of recognition and congratulated Leevi Reber from Boy Scout Troop 299 for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.
The City of Bellevue was especially fortunate that Leevi did a lot of the work for his Eagle Scout Project at the Bellevue Public Library. Library Director Julie Dinville was pleased to hear about this achievement and stated, "It was wonderful to have the opportunity to work with Leevi on his Eagle Scout project at the Bellevue Public Library. He did a great job organizing all the activities and everything looks fantastic. We are honored that Leevi chose the Library for his project. His efforts have had a positive impact here, and this is a great example of service to the community."
Leevi's Eagle Scout Project at the Library included the following work:
Butterfly Garden
Butterfly bench – (The bench is in a very beautiful, butterfly design that perfectly complements the butterfly garden in that area.)

Nook Garden
Replaced the small ornamental tree
Planted new flowers and adder new mulch.

Garden by “John Rice” Memorial Sign
Clear out weeds
Plant new flowers & mulch
Restain the sign

Picnic Tables -- (These tables made a huge difference to those utilizing the Kids Cruisin’ meals program. Over 3,000 meals were served to families this past summer. Other patrons have enjoyed using the tables as well.)

The City of Bellevue congratulates Leevi Reber on achieving this high honor and thanks him for his many contributions to the Bellevue Library!
Categories: Announcements
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