City of Bellevue asking for Volunteers for Memorial Day Ceremony at Bellevue Cemetery

Volunteers Needed to Place Flags and Assist with Ceremony

  • 20 May 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 1089
City of Bellevue asking for Volunteers for Memorial Day Ceremony at Bellevue Cemetery

Memorial Day is next Monday, May 27 and community volunteers are greatly needed to help decorate the Bellevue Cemetery and participate in the ceremony itself.

In past years, VFW Post 10785 has conducted the ceremony, but that post ceased operations earlier this year. A couple of individual VFW members from the post are working with the City of Bellevue to conduct this year’s Memorial Day observance prior to the city assuming full responsibility next year.

“Bellevue prides itself on our warm and supportive relationship with the military. Remembering those in our community who’ve served and passed on is a special thing we do for our deceased veterans – I encourage everyone who can to help out,” said Bellevue Mayor Rusty Hike.

Volunteers are needed for the following efforts:

  • Thursday, May 23, 3:00 - Placing flags on veterans’ graves and setting up the 53 flags that comprise the Avenue of Flags –at the Bellevue Cemetery, E. 13th Ave. & Franklin St. We need all the volunteers we can get to help with this; there are about 1000 graves to mark plus 53 large flags to put on flagpoles. This will take 2-3 hours.
  • Monday, May 27, 11:00 - Memorial Day Ceremony– show time for participants is 10:00. We need veterans or veterans’ organization auxiliary members to help with raising the colors, flag folding, and a variety of other tasks. Scout organizations and Jr. ROTC cadets are especially welcome.
  • Tuesday, May 28, 9:00 – Recover the gravesite flags and take down the Avenue of Flags. Here again, we need all the volunteers we can get. With enough volunteers, this whole job will take about an hour.

If you can help, please email Bill O’Donnell at, reply on this social media site, or phone Bill’s office at 402-933-0866 with your contact information, number of volunteers, and which activities you’re volunteering for. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach children the meaning of service and sacrifice.

Categories: Announcements
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