City Continues Storm Cleanup Efforts

Tree Dump at Cedar Island Road will be Open to the Public on Saturday, July 29th from 8am until Noon

  • 14 July 2017
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5991
City Continues Storm Cleanup Efforts

The City of Bellevue continues its cleanup efforts in the aftermath of the June 16th storm. Bellevue Public Works Director Roberts reported that the city has made passes through all of the affected neighborhoods and picked up the tree related debris that was left at the curb. These piles were hauled away by city crews to either Haworth Park or Cedar Island Road and disposed of. After the initial passes were made, city crews went through the neighborhoods again to see if anything had been missed and to respond to the calls that were received. At this point the City will not be making anymore neighborhood pickups. If property owners still have tree related debris, the City’s Tree Dump on Cedar Island Road will be open at its regularly scheduled time on Saturday, July 29, 2017 from 8am to noon.

City crews continue to deal with some larger trees that are down in City Parks and City Right of Ways. A few of these trees are large enough or in close enough proximity to power lines that they may require a contractor to come in and dispose of. The Two Springs neighborhood is the site of a number of these sort of trees and city crews are working as diligently as possible to get these trees and debris removed.

Bellevue residents took advantage of the City’s two tree dumps that were opened to assist residents with storm cleanup. The Tree Dump at Cedar Island Road is close to capacity with an estimate of close to 40,000 cubic yards of tree debris at that location alone. The drop off site at Haworth Park has an estimated 12,000 cubic yards of tree debris and that number may go up slightly as city crews continue to drop off debris at this location.  

The goal is to get enough debris removed from the Cedar Island Road location in order to open it back up to the public on Saturday, July 29th. Once the debris is removed from the Cedar Island Road location, the River City crews will move their equipment over to Haworth Park and start the removal of that debris. The upcoming Riverfest Celebration planned for Haworth Park the weekend of July 21st should not be affected in any way by this project.

The cleanup from this storm has been a large community effort and the City appreciates the hard work by all of the residents, volunteers and city crews that have helped with this cleanup. It has been amazing to watch the community come together in this time of need.

Categories: Announcements
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