Bellevue's Second Spring Cleanup is this Saturday! (June 15th)

  • 15 May 2019
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7675
Bellevue's Second Spring Cleanup is this Saturday! (June 15th)

Due to the flood and the hardships endured by many Bellevue residents, the City of Bellevue’s Annual Spring Clean Up will be held on two dates this year. Clean-up is now scheduled for Saturday May 18, 2019 and Saturday, June 15, 2019. This clean-up is for the residents of Bellevue who pay the city's trash fee on their M.U.D. bill each month. This trash fee is what enables the City to pay for the Clean Up Day. The Spring Clean Up is also restricted to residential items only. Commercial and business items will not be accepted and no vehicles larger than pickup trucks will be permitted unless prior arrangements are made. 

Two Street Department area's located at 29th & Hancock, and 8252 Cedar Island Road will be open from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM on that day for residents to drop off solid waste, including the following items:

Household furniture 
Lawn furniture
Storm doors & windows
Major appliances - No televisions or computer monitors will be accepted*
Broken toys, bicycles, wagons, etc. 
Bed springs & mattresses
Construction material
Automotive parts
Propane Tanks 
Electronics – including computer hardware

* Recycling information for these and other items can be found at or and click on the "brochures" button on the left hand side.

The Old Landfill on Cedar Island Road, near Rose Lane Road will be open on both May 18, 2019 & June 15, 2019 from 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM to accept trees and brush. This area will also be opened to accept trees and brush only on Saturday, June 29th from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The city requires all trees and brush to be hauled directly to the old landfill area for disposal. 


The City of Bellevue is requesting a food item donation to the Bellevue Food Pantry with every load!!
If you have any questions please call the City of Bellevue Street Department at 402-293-3126 or email your question to Please click on the attached press release for more information including a list of what items will not be accepted.

Documents to download

Categories: Announcements
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