Bellevue Ranked 3rd in 20 Best Cities to Raise a Child with Asthma Listing

  • 19 October 2016
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7582
Bellevue Ranked 3rd in 20 Best Cities to Raise a Child with Asthma Listing
The City of Bellevue is proud to be included in the Alen Corporation first annual list of the “20 Best Cities to Raise a Child with Asthma.” Because asthma triggers vary from person to person, Alen’s list of 20 cities ranges in terms of geographical location. The ranking was determined through a multi-step process of evaluating statistics including air quality ratings, allergy rankings, humidity levels, crime rates, and state graduation rates. A few cities on the list were chosen due to their low humidity or proximity to award-winning hospitals. Bellevue was chosen for this list due to its high clean air rating and proximity to Omaha, home to the Children's Hospital and Medical Center, which offers a great pediatric pulmonary program.

“We are happy to promote a list related to the well-being of our future generation,” says Alen CEO Warb Lee. “These cities have done their part to ensure every child is granted an equal playing field, regardless of their medical conditions.”

See the full list, here:

About Alen
At Alen, our team is driven to help you and your loved ones live your best by researching and developing thoughtfully designed and highly effective air purifying solutions that transform indoor environments. While we are primarily known for our air purifiers, we also strive to inform the public on the importance of clean air through community outreach. Alen believes our motto, Pure Air for Life, should be a reality for every individual, regardless of geographic location.

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