Bellevue Public Works Department to Conduct Pavement Improvement Project North of Chandler Road Near Chandler Hills Area

  • 21 May 2019
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 4984
Bellevue Public Works Department to Conduct Pavement Improvement Project North of Chandler Road Near Chandler Hills Area

The City of Bellevue's Public Works Department is preparing to begin construction of pavement improvements at various locations within the neighborhood on the north side of Chandler Road east of Chandler Hills (see graphic).  This project will utilize Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. 

The construction will require short-term street closings, lane restrictions and parking restrictions at times.  The work will be phased to maintain access for area residents.

Work will begin on or about Thursday, May 23, 2019, and is expected to require approximately two months to complete.

Please direct any questions to the Bellevue Public Works Department at (402) 293-3025.

Categories: Announcements
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