Bellevue Public Works Department Provides Status Update on the South 25th Street Improvements Project

Construction South of Capehart Road Between Towne Centre and Lynnwood Drives

  • 12 March 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7004
Bellevue Public Works Department Provides Status Update on the South 25th Street Improvements Project

The City of Bellevue Public Wors Department has provided the following update on the South 25th Street Improvement project which is taking place just south of Capehart Road:

The 25th Street Improvements project has involved removing the small bridge located south of Capehart Road between Towne Centre and Lynnwood Drives and replacing it with a precast concrete box culvert.  The box culvert will allow this stretch of road to be widened to a 3-lane roadway with an 8-foot trail on the east and a 5-foot sidewalk on the west side.  The 3-lane roadway will transition to the existing 2-lane roadway south of Lynnwood Drive.  The project has also necessitated realigning sanitary and storm sewers as well as minor utility relocations.

This week OPPD will be relocating light poles at 25th & Towne Centre Drive and 25th & Lynnwood Drive.  A temporary stop sign will be placed at the northeast corner of 25th & Lynnwood Drive until paving is completed and a permanent sign can be installed.  Motorists are asked to be alert and cautious as they travel through this intersection. 

Currently, the project is approaching 20% completion as the remaining sections of the box culvert are being set in place and backfilled.  Upcoming construction will include completing the box culvert ends and wingwalls along with additional removal of the existing pavement to allow for roadway preparation and installation of the realigned storm sewer.  Overall, the project remains on schedule with the roadway expected to be opened to traffic no later than May 18th and final completion and cleanup by June 19th.

In the upcoming weeks Public Works will be working on having all project status updates posted on the City’s website for the public’s convenience.   

Categories: Announcements
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