Bellevue Public Works Department Announces Parking Lot at Stonecroft Park to be Closed

Closure to Begin on May 4th to Add Additional Parking at the Park

  • 27 April 2022
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 3699
Bellevue Public Works Department Announces Parking Lot at Stonecroft Park to be Closed

The Bellevue Public Works Department has announced that the parking lot serving Stonecroft Park will be closed beginning Wednesday, May 4, 2022. The closure is expected to last approximately five weeks. While the parking lot is closed, the park will remain open to the public, including the tennis courts and all-inclusive playground.  The playground can be accessed from Lynnwood Drive as shown on the graphic.

This closure is needed to allow crews to reconstruct the parking lot, which will result in additional parking area and improved ADA-compliant access to the park.

As always, the City of Bellevue asks residents and visitors to not enter or tamper with any barricaded areas as crews work in the area, and to be mindful of construction traffic in and around the park.

Categories: Announcements
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