Bellevue Public Works Department Announces a Traffic Change for the Bellevue 36th Street Project

Traffic Switch to Begin on September 16th at 9 a.m

  • 14 September 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 3023
Bellevue Public Works Department Announces a Traffic Change for the Bellevue 36th Street Project

The Bellevue Public Works Department has announced that traffic on 36th Street will be restricted to one-lane between Schneekloth Road and Tammy Street starting Monday, September 16th at 9 a.m. This traffic change will be controlled by temporary traffic signals in the area. Weather permitting, this work is anticipated to last for three weeks. 

In addition, Spring Boulevard will be closed at 36th Street during this time.

Motorists are reminded to use caution, be mindful of signing and to buckle up.  

This traffic change is a part of the Bellevue 36th Street Improvement Project. For more information about the project, please visit, or follow the project on Facebook and Twitter, @bellevue36thstreet.

Categories: Announcements
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