Bellevue Public Works Department Accepting Input Regarding Lookingglass Park Concept Options

Options were Presented and Discussed at Public Meeting on August 13th

  • 14 August 2019
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 8039
Bellevue Public Works Department Accepting Input Regarding Lookingglass Park Concept Options

The City of Bellevue Public Works Department and Ward 3 Councilman Paul Cook hosted a public meeting on Tuesday evening at Leonard Lawrence Elementary School.  The purpose of the meeting was to provide information and receive feedback from residents regarding concept plans developed by Thompson, Dreessen & Dorner, Inc. (TD2) for a new splash pad and other amenities in Lookingglass Heights II Park in southwest Bellevue.  Mayor Rusty Hike and At-Large Councilman Pat Shannon were also present to discuss the plans, receive input, and answer any questions that arose from the estimated 70 residents in attendance.

If you were unable to attend the public meeting, the City of Bellevue would still appreciate receiving your input on the concepts for the park. Aerial views of the surrounding neighborhoods and park along with three conceptual site layout options are included as attachments to this article.  Please feel free to view the information provided, complete the attached questionnaire, and return it to the City of Bellevue Public Works Department at 1500 Wall Street, Bellevue NE 68005 by August 20, 2019. You may also email completed questionnaires to .

The City of Bellevue is excited about adding a splash pad and other amenities to this area and your input will help finalize these plans. Please stay tuned to for more information.

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