Bellevue Police Department Presents Five Life Savings Awards for 2017

  • 21 February 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7512
Bellevue Police Department Presents Five Life Savings Awards for 2017

The Bellevue Police Department presented the 2017 Life Savings Award to five members of the department at the annual Police Department Awards Banquet earlier this month. Sergeant Franks, Officer Spencer, Officer Jimerson, Officer Shelbourn and Officer Marrs, were each recognized for their exemplary efforts which led directly to lives being saved in our community.

  • Sgt. Franks was attending a banquet for the Jr. Cougar Wrestling Club.  After receiving his meal from the buffet line, a young 6th grade student began choking on his food and was in distress.  Many other young boys sitting with the 6th grader began alarming adults in the immediate area.  Sgt. Franks immediately sprang into action, approached the boy who was choking, and gave a calm directive for the boy to stand up.  Sgt. Franks began to administer abdominal thrusts which dislodged the blockage from the child’s airway.  Sgt. Franks remained on scene with the boy for a brief observation period to ensure he was okay, could gain his composure, and was able to breathe normal.  
  • Officer Spencer was dispatched to a rescue call involving a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  As Officer Spencer arrived, the situation was extremely chaotic and the victim’s mother was screaming incoherently.  Officer Spencer was quick to ensure the scene was safe then began to administer tactical first aid to the victim.  Within one minute on scene, Officer Spencer found two bullet wounds in the victim’s chest and began to apply a chest seal over both wounds.  Due to Officer Spencer’s quick thinking, calm demeanor, and application of his training, the victim ended up surviving the incident and getting the assistance he needed. 
  • Officer Jimerson and Officer Shelbourn were traveling eastbound on Cornhusker Road approaching the Hwy 75 overpass.  The officers witnessed a female sitting on the ledge directly over the freeway.  The female was alone and was straddling the concrete barrier.  The female was distraught and appeared as if she was about to jump from the bridge.  Officer Jimerson and Shelbourn exited their cruiser, called for additional units and attempted to talk to the female.  The female continued to say “don’t” and began to move her other leg over the ledge.  Officer Jimerson placed his hands up in a non-threating manner and continued to attempt to talk to the female.  While Officer Jimerson continued to move closer towards the female and was asking for her name, Officer Shelbourn made his way around to a different position away from Officer Jimerson.  When Officer Shelbourn began asking questions to the female, Officer Jimerson saw a split-second opportunity where the female was distracted with Officer Shelbourn and he rushed in.  Officer Jimerson forcefully removed the female from the ledge.  Once restrained in handcuffs a suicide note was recovered folded up in the female’s hand.  From the time these officers witnessed the female sitting on the ledge to the time she was safe in handcuffs was one minute and 16 seconds.  If it wasn’t for the calm, quick thinking by these officers, this female may have taken her life.
  • Officer Marrs responded to the Golden Bowl restaurant, in reference to a rescue call of an unresponsive female. Officer Marrs was first on scene along with the EMS supervisor who did not have an AED.  Officer Marrs started CPR and hooked up his district AED to the victim.  Officer Marrs and the EMS supervisor continued CPR until they were able to regain a pulse.  The victim was transported to the hospital and survived.  Officer Marrs was quick to apply the training he has received which saved a life. 

The City of Bellevue would like to congratulate these members of the Bellevue Police Department on receiving this prestigious award.  Thank you for all that you and your fellow officers do to protect and serve the citizens of Bellevue every day!

Categories: Announcements
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